I photograph portrait sessions the way I like to be photographed myself. I can attest that I do have a very particular style so here's my secret to getting gorgeous Toni Chic(esque) imagery.

I myself like to be photographed outdoors, in natural light, because I love images that are clean, undone, intimate and timeless. My end game is images that look and feel like you!

That’s why I begin all of my sessions 1-2 hours before the scheduled sunset – during the magical “golden hour”.

Or, another option is to photograph my clients starting about 30 minutes before the sun rises. The is the first, but less realized "golden hour".

If you're struggling to figure out when the best time to take photos is you can probably guess by now that "golden hour" is the "golden ticket". #SeeWhatIDidThere

But why golden hour? It's because this is when the light in the sky is the softest, dreamiest and most flattering.

I'll use the light in specific ways with my clients during this magical hour (or two!) to light them up like rockstars, giving them the coveted Toni Chic style in their photographs.

Ready to schedule your photoshoot?