Hey Mommas! Have you ever wanted to try to do your own photoshoot and not know how to create the perfect timeline to do so? Or, perhaps you've hired a photographer and weren't sure you received all the photographs you possibly could have for the price you paid. I'm here to help you decipher THEE. PERFECT. timeline for your family photoshoot. Read on sis!

01 // The Holy Grail

When you're having your family photoshoot we'll make sure to get what I call, "the holy grail" photo complete first while everyone is still fresh, including the kiddos. This is the photo that goes on the mantle, as the centerpiece in the hallway or as the main statement piece for the living room. You know the one - everyone is just looking at the camera smiling, posed effortlessly together while beaming JOY! This is the one all your guests coming through your home will see for the next year or even decade for some - so, it's important you absolutely love it!

02 // Snuggly Poses

Your family loves each other and it's important that your photographer captures that. The loves, snuggles and intimacy between family members transfers so well through the camera if you know how to achieve it. These usually come after the Holy Grail pose as it can be a slight variation on that pose. They can be taken either standing up or sitting down. Overall, they're so sweet to capture and bring out the family's closeness.

03 // Breakouts

Breakouts are important for two reasons. First, they capture the relationship between individual family members. Second, it gives the other family members a break. Perhaps one of the children aren't digging being in front of the camera at any point during the shoot. Or, maybe mom has been wrangling the babes all day (week!) and needs a minute (or 5!) to just sit and breath. (I'm a momma - I totally get this!) All of these situations are totally fine, expected and pre-built into our Family Photo Timeline.

04 // Fun & Candid Shots

Once everyone is completely warmed up, comfortable in front of the camera, probably running around, and having a great time I recommend spending the rest of the shoot photographing the family unit having fun as they would in reality. These are the precious moments you'll never forget and that you'll want to relive over and over again! This is when we capture your babes' silly, laughing faces that are oh-so-photogenic and yourself and your better half being lovey-dovey. These are super cute and most of the time end up being some my clients' faves.

05 // The Order is Not Necessarily Important

Sometimes, depending on the lighting and the kiddos' tolerance for photos don't lend the ability to photograph in this exact sequence - and that's okay. The order in which the photos are taken are not necessarily important. What is important though is that:

  • I offer my clients an array of different photos to choose from at their Premier Ordering Session.
  • That the family is captured in poses that flatter their individual body types.
  • That they're beaming with authentic JOY! (No fakesies!)

Book Your Photo Session Here!